
El T.L. and Lord Luciano becoming the best of friends.

The smallest and boldest member of Westerwald Equestrian. Tiny but mighty is her philosophy.

Sometimes it's important to hang out while playing dress up.

Learning all about tacking and tying.

This field is all set to be fenced in the Summer of 2018, giving the horses wonderful grassy hills for grazing and exercising.

The key to successful bodywork is custom tailoring treatment to each client, allowing them to relax and fully benefit from each session.

When starting young horses, it is important to foster a relationship based on trust and relaxation.

It is paramount that horses enjoy their bodywork experience with the goal of unifying and healing body, mind, and soul.
Here are some photographs taken with various horses in various stages of work, as well as some photos of the farm. Enjoy!
Below: Penny learning the beginning stages of tacking and working on tying in preparation for her American Trakehner Association mare
inspection. She was approved with premium status.